GDA Policies

Tuition - is due on the 1st of the month and is nonrefundable. You will receive an invoice on the 15th of the month prior to the 1st that it is due. Regardless if you are in receipt of an invoice or not, tuition is due on the 1st. There are no refunds on tuition at anytime.

Late Fee - If payment is received past the 6th of the month there will be a $5.00 late fee added, no exceptions.

Past Due Accounts - If your account becomes 30 days past due, classes will be suspended until the account has become a zero balance. Returned Check Charge - There is a $25.00 charge for any returned check. Cash Payments - If you are paying with cash please be sure to put it into an envelope labeling your name, child’s name and class.

Dress Code - Please abide by our dress code found on our website.

Weather Closing - Grassland Dance Academy will make the most accurate call on holding class in the event of severe weather with the safety of everyone in mind. We will try our best to hold classes, but we will make the best decision based off of the road conditions to and from the studio. Please keep an eye out for an email at least 2 hours prior your child’s class time on classes being held or cancelled.

Class Viewing - You are welcome to observe your child’s class on our tv located in our lobby. NO ONE is allowed inside the classroom at anytime other than the teacher.

Safety - It is the parent or guardian’s responsibility ensuring your child or the child you are bringing enters and exits the building safely. That includes not leaning or climbing on the railing outside of our door. No children are to leave the building without the supervision of an adult and children ages 8 and under must be picked up at the classroom door. Students will not be allowed in the lobby until they are accompanied by an adult. Please use caution when enter/exit our parking lot. Do not speed and be aware at all times that children are present.

Grassland Dance Academy’s Restroom Policy 

GDA’s dance instructors, staff and assistants CANNOT accompany your child into the bathroom. Guardians/Parents whose child is enrolled in our 3-5 year old classes are encouraged to stay in our waiting area to be available for your little one should they need your assistance to go to the restroom. If you are not present and there is an emergency in which your child needs to use the restroom, your child will be escorted to the bathroom, but the instructor or staff member will remain outside the restroom and the door will be left open. We highly encourage all students to use the restroom prior to class starting. Guardians/Parents of students 5 years and up are not required to stay during class time if and only if the parent/guardian is comfortable with their child being released from class independently to use the restroom across the lobby during class. 

Withdrawal - If you wish to withdrawal your child, a class drop form is mandatory to be filled in prior to the 30th of the month before you would like to drop. If the form is received after the 15th, payment of tuition will be expected for the following month. If dropping there is no reimbursement of any tuition paid, recital fees paid or costume fees paid.

Recital- All of our students are expected to participate in our end of year show. Written notice must be submitted no later than October 1st, if your child cannot participate in the recital. There are no refunds on recital packages if child drop prior to recital.

Sickness Policy - If your child or anyone in your family may potentially be ill due to any form of sickness we request your family stay home from class. This includes parents and siblings entering the building as they may pass germs on to others when coming in. Sickness spreads very quickly and we want to keep the environment at Grassland Dance Academy healthy at all times. If your child starts to feel ill during his or her class, we will call the parent immediately and the child will need to be picked up from his or her class at that time. Please be sure you adhere to this policy for a happy and healthy place to dance.
